Oakley's goals for the week have been to gain weight, keep steady blood sugars, and not to surprise us.
So far, he's been ok at gaining, but not great. This morning, he was 5.61 kg (which is 12 lbs 5.8 ounces).
Some-bunny's a happy camper
Grandma Mona got me these sweet kicks |
He's been pretty steady with his blood sugars, today has had more changes, but the last 2 days have been almost completely uneventful, with no insulin drip changes at all! He's been eating ok, sleeping ok, and we gave him his Mylecon (gas drops, I actually have no idea how to spell them) back, because he'd been crankier than usual, and he picked right up. His CBC (complete blood count) this morning showed that he had 1500 neutrophils, his platelets and hematacrit were ok (doesn't need a transfusion or GCSF/Neupagen) and that he's doing all he can to get on the track for his transplant. He's outgrown most of his socks, so I got to go shopping at Ross the other night and got some more sweet ones...he's in 12-18 month sized socks, but still has a couple of newborn and 0-3 month sized clothes that fit!
We are expecting Trevor's mom and her boyfriend to be coming up this weekend, so it will be nice to have some more time to ourselves to get to explore the city, and find some places that will be good for when Oakley's outpatient and we get to take him out, but have to limit his exposure to people and germs.
I found some pictures that I had taken of the little guy two weeks ago, and thought I'd share them. I've been going through tons of pics for a slideshow that I'm putting together for the thing going on at TGI Fridays coming up in October!
so glad to hear that things have been status quo for a few days! love the pictures of little man, can not believe how big he is getting, really love the pic of him in his hat and jeans, he is the epitome of cool!