Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quickie update

So Trevor and I woke up in time to get to the hospital for rounds (even early enough to shower and brush our teeth before leaving!) this morning, and it was great. The BMT (bone marrow transplant) team was there with the ICU team, and we are going to have a pretty eventful day, hopefully. First off, Oakley hasn't had ANY apnea spells since last night's (early this morning in the wee hours)  post! Thank the Lord for the answered prayers! This morning, they ran the EEG, and after the first hour of no apnea spells, the neurologists ordered another hour to see if they could catch a spell during the EEG. Well, they didn't. We won't know the results of the EEG until late tonight or early tomorrow, but his breathing is doing so awesome that they reduced the air pressure in his CPAP background air from 14 to 9 this afternoon, and are going to reduce it to 6 this evening if all continues to go well, and then finally, tonight, they might extubate him! This is earlier than we thought, but we are so excited that his apnea spells have diminished! This either means that the seizure medicine is working, or that he's just being Oakley, and having random issues that come and go because he hates to be boring...hopefully the former and not the latter.
Funny thing, well, I thought it was funny, happened with the EEG tech. During rounds, they had decided that we'd keep Oakley on the EEG until he was completely weaned off the ventilation, and extubated, so that if he did have another spell, they'd be able to catch it and see if it was the result of a seizure.
The EEG tech started packing up her equipment after the 2nd hour of the testing, and I stopped her, and told her that they wanted to keep him on the EEG until he was extubated. She replied in her meanest Russian accent, "I do not get order to change eet, I get order from Doctor for two hour ongly, and two hour is over. I go now."
I tried to explain that an order should be pending, and that if she didn't mind waiting a moment, I'd like to have our doctor down here explain. She didn't want to wait, but the doctor just happened to walk in, and I asked her if the plan to keep Oakley  hooked up to the EEG until extubation was still on. She looked over and saw that he had been unhooked and asked the tech to put it back on him, because we wanted to monitor him until he was weaned off the CPAP and all ventilation.
The EEG tech again, in her meanest sounding Russian accent replied, "I do not take order from you. Ongly from nee-urr-ology, and they give order for ongly two hour, I do two hour, I leave. You want more EEG, you call dee doctor and you ask for new order. I ongly take order from dem."
I thought this was hilarious, because I hadn't seen a tech mouth off to a doctor, and I thought she was just being mean to me, but was glad that I wasn't the only person who caught the wrath of her. She was delightfully ornery during the whole process, even stole the nurse's chair when she went to change something on the pump! I got a kick out of it, and hope she doesn't lose her job for a while, because I would like some more of that entertainment!
So, after the EEG tech standoff, the attending doctor told me that it was probably ok, because she doesn't think that Oakley will go apnic again anyway, but they just wanted it just in case. So far, he has kept true to that, even when he was trying to cough (which he can't while intubated, they just suction him as well as they can when he tries) and was choking on his spit, the CPAP didn't have to kick in extra pressure for him.

Aleks turning down the pressure!
Just wanted  to let everyone in on the good news! Trevor went back to Ronald McDonald, and I'm going to catch up on Parenthood now (I missed the new episode in the midst of all this "I'm not going to breathe, I'm Oakley" hubub.


  1. And the respiratory therapist, Aleks, whose family is from the Ukraine, and that is why his name is spelled wrong, is now reducing the pressure to a 6 cmH2O, which is centimeters of water pressure!
    Also, Aleks prances around his living room in a unitard, pretending he's an ice-skater at night...but I didn't tell you that.

  2. Sam and Trevor, so glad little man is doing better, tell him not to scaree mommy and daddy like that. wow what a stressful couple of days. hoping everything gets better fast

  3. I am also glad that Oakley is doing better. Never a dull moment with him! I'm also glad that there is an EEG tech to keep you amused!

  4. Sam and Trevor-
    So very glad to hear that things are going better. That kid sure knows how to keep you on your toes! Gosh, hes gotta stop doing that! Well, hopefully he can get off that vent soon, and you can enjoy his sweet smiling face once again. :) Take care!
    PS: a unitard...? wooooow....Brave. :) Hopefully none of his friends read your blog! Haha! He would have some splaining to do :)
