Friday, November 2, 2012

Trick or Treat!

I just wanted to let everyone see Oakley in his Halloween wardrobe; he got to change several times, so that we could make it through all of the costumes. They let us put the pull-overs on him for the day, so he got to wear them all!
We had initially planned on having a Halloween week, so he could dress up for longer, but this didn't turn out so bad.
 Here he is in his baseball uniform/outfit. We couldn't find his baseball cap. He also had a bat and ball; but with the move to ICU, it has gotten misplaced.

 Here was most of the medical teams' favorite costume. He's a doctor/surgeon. They liked it so much, that they went and got the hair net and mask accessories.

 this was  Trevor's from when he was a kid.
Look out Ralph Macchio!

 Mommy was a ballerina! Pretty much any excuse to wear a tutu...

 Pumpkins aren't allowed in the hospital, because of fungus. If Oakley got a fungus at this point, it would likely be fatal. We got these pumpkins that are carve-able, but we didn't want to make a mess, so we also got the Mr. Potato Head-esque Jackolantern decorating kit.

 The mustache came from a kid's meal that I got at McDonald's. It was a Scooby Doo trick or treat pail, that came with stickers to disguise Scooby for Halloween...I think they fit Oakley quite well!
 The snorkel-looking thing here, is CPAP; which he was on for most of the time. He only got short nasal cannula breaks to avoid breakdown on his nose.
Idaho Potatoes
He was  my lil spud!

Family Picture!

Random Goatee sticker

I am a walrus

We hope you and yours had a fun and safe Halloween! Next Halloween, Oakley should be cleared for normal life...Because he'll have a normal functioning immune system! We can't wait.
His oxygen needs are seeming to resolve, his doctors are wanting to try him out on the regular flow nasal cannula to see  how he tolerates it. We are excited at the prospect of not having the snorkel on his face!
 As of today, he still has no white blood cells whatsoever (which we kind of expected). The soonest that his neutrophils are expected to come back is at day 7; and we're at day 3 today. He won't get any lymphocytes (so he's able to fight infections off) for up to a couple of months from now.
We'll keep you updated with our little guy's progress!


  1. I love it love it love it!!! Thanks so much for sharing!! I may have to steal one and put it on Facebook cuz he is sooo cute!!! Thanks for the update!

  2. Thanks for the really cute pictures, guys! You must have had a lot of fun with him, making him up and playing with him! I'm so happy that you're doing your best to help him be normal. And, I can't wait until he gets to be real normal!!!

    Still praying for continued miracles, I'm your loving Grandma Marlene.

    Happy November!

  3. Pictures of oakley and u two always make me happy. Thank u always. Praying for u. See u soon:)

  4. Sam, my name is Diane, I took care of Oakley a few times. I was wondering if there is a way to get some more of those bracelets. We are out in the NICU and I know some people that would like some.
