Sunday, January 13, 2013


Oakley got his two top front teeth! One of them came in on December 29th and the other came in on January 9th. He was extubated Monday, but it didn't go well. It was a little rushed because he had pretty much gotten the tube out with his head thrashing, so it was a little spur of the moment. He wasn't awake for most of the time he was extubated, he ended up having to work too hard (against the BiPAP they had him on) and his blood gasses got worse, so they re-intubated him after only 4 or 5 hours.
It was the first time I've held Oakley since December 13th, and I don't know when I'll get to hold him again. I hate Mondays. It was so hard knowing that I might not get to hold him again for weeks, so I pretty much cried the whole time.
On the bright side, Oakley is the happiest intubated baby you could imagine. He plays, he tries to smile, and he lights up when Trevor and I come near enough for him to scratch us or pull our hair (or beard).
He got a bronchoscopy on Tuesday, and Trevor and I watched. They even gave us a commemorative DVD. It looked good, but they sent off some samples of fluid/mucous from his bronchial tubes. He got over 35 milliliters of fluid put in, and only about 6 sucked out. He's been pretty junky since, but still seems to have a fiery disposition. The only things that have come back from the scope are normal oral flora, but they put him on a low level antibiotic just to be safe.
Here's Oakley's attempt at smiling while he has the tube in. Enjoy.
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